Back on Track

Okay so last week I was supposed to write a review-type post on my experience without my nutritional system and just eating more food. I thought, however, that I would go another week before posting to give my experiment a fair trial.

It has been two weeks now since re-introducing these products back into my body and I swear it was like resetting a breaker switch. I am glad to be back and I feel like myself again.

Along with the array of healthy food alternatives, this system gives me an excuse to feel good all day and rip it up in my workouts. There is nothing like going to bed early on a Friday night just to get up at dawn to train in the morning when everything is still quiet.

I don’t know about you but one thing that really amps me up for a workout is a well-balanced and caffeinated source of energy. Now most pre-workout formulas on the market are not so healthy or natural and can even be somewhat dangerous! So for that matter, pre-workouts do tend to have a bad reputation within the healthy lifestyle club. Thankfully, what I use suits the bill of a health freak. 100mg of naturally sourced caffeine from green tea and yerba mate paired with adaptogens.It is basically rocket fuel for the body!

Another product that makes a huge difference for me are the meal replacement shakes. now I am an ectomorph and have a super high metabolism. I burn calories just walking to the fridge. I have increased my caloric intake for the sake of gaining muscle mass so a high protein meal replacement shake with a healthy balance of carbs and fat just makes sense. Now mind you I also have some fruit or a small meal to go with it to bump up the calories.

Where it really makes a difference though is the nutrient density. At 280 calories, there is enough vitamins and minerals to outdo a 1200 calorie 3 course meal that is even nutritious. And you have energy to use instantly! It is also a great recovery drink with the easily digesting undenatured whey protein. Yeah, better than chocolate milk!

Some people will argue that you can get all of your nutrition requirements from food, which I do agree with one condition. It’s a pain in the ass and it takes up time preparing meals and in the end is very costly. I prefer just replacing one or 2 meals a day with a shake that takes 2 minutes to prep and drink for under $4.

And if there is anything that is more important than quality protein, it is Omega-3 and preferably from fish oil. I get my 2 servings a day in a multivitamin.

Fish oil is very anti-inflammatory and lubricates the joints. Very important for anyone who is physically active and anyone who is still alive really. It supports brain and eye health big time. Unfortunately, not all fish oil brands are created equal. I trust the company that sources mine though as they have such high integrity and care for the bettering of humanity and not profit margins. Do your research on fish oil before selecting one.

Now again, without getting into too much detail about what I have incorporated in my nutritional system, I am re-assured that it works magically. But it’s not all magic, more-less, it’s back by science and research. I do look forward to each and every day that I have to use these products along with an array of quality food and still manage to fit my budget!

So the moral of the story here is that if you need to reassure to yourself of how effective something is that you incorporate into your healthy lifestyle, try depriving yourself of it. Test it out. After some time you will either be convinced that you need it back or that you can go without it.

Try new things. A healthy lifestyle is a life-long journey of incorporating new concepts and methods. Anything from cold showers, meditating, chi gong, yoga, spiritual healing practices, essential oils. There are so many things to try out and can each compliment one another for a greater you!

For me, the fundamentals are knowing that I have my hands on the highest quality of nutrition available that I know of. It is the initial step to living well.

So long for now and just remember, keep it real, keep it natural!


Brendan K




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