About Vibranatural

Hello world, I would like to take this opportunity to sum up a little bit about myself. I am a 29 year old male who indulges in a life of personal development, spiritual growth, self knowedge and health and fitness. I am a martial artist, an acrobatic practitioner (parkour, free running tricking) and also like to hit the gym and lift some weights. I have been active in these arts for several years and do not plan to stop any time soon. I have a blog called Ninja Movement where I share this part of my life and post my most recent experiences and my knowledge of the art of movement. To keep up to such an active lifestyle, I eat healthy, mostly natural plant based foods and minimally processed. It has become a daily practice for me that just resonates with me and my purpose in life. It makes me feel good, energetic and vibrant. It is something I believe everyone should do. I also have a website called Vibranatural. It is dedicated to all natural nutrition and supplements with products to purchase online. More on that later as it is in the making. For now I am writing blogs for this website to share my knowledge and information on health and nutrition as well as who I am personally. I look forward to sharing information and output with those of similar interests. All in all, my main mission is to just keep moving forward in life. Every generation is a new chapter and as I approach 30, I see that all of this work is in preparation for the next chapter of my life. Thank you for reading and I hope to hear from you on the blog! Brendan K Vibranatural

High Performance Nutritional Cleansing

So it has been a while since I submitted and entry. And just to let you know I am still here, I thought I would write about my latest healthy experience. Today, I am going to share about my experience with a 2-day cleanse. This was a back-to-back for 2 days and for anyone who is familiar with cleansing, you restrict your calories significantly.

I, for one, have a physically demanding lifestyle. I do resistance training and various physical activity. I have no weight to lose except maybe some visceral fat around the organs (which is the dangerous stuff).

Now before I got into nutritional cleansing, I did fasting days. I would do them on a 24-hour basis. I would eat my dinner and cut it from the next day and break the fast with dinner. This concept grew on me and I knew I had to try it. The first time I tried it was difficult but I pulled through and it got easier from there. I still do intermittent fasting about once a week just to help re-balance the body and maintain good health.

Now there is a difference between fasting and cleansing. Both involve drinking a lot of water (which should be done regardless) but fasting involves a period in which you consume zero calories for an extended period of time. Now this also counts for when you are sleeping, so that helps to know you can sleep-fast. There are many benefits, mentally, physically and even spiritually with fasting.


Nutritional cleansing, with the right system, will allow you to consume some calories throughout the day and also supports the bodies natural detoxification process. Because in the modern-day polluted world, it is necessary to do something purposely to assist in getting the junk that was otherwise, not such a problem before the industrial age and agriculture.

I used a scientifically-proven nutritional cleansing system with accessories to support my cleanse days that help to also keep me satiated through the process.

On an average day, I will consume between 2200 and 2400 calories and on the cleanse days I was consuming around 400 calories for a total of 8 to 900 calories in 2 days. So I actually have, on average, 3 times that amount in one day. But compared to a 24 hour fast where I break it with a meal on average of 800 calories, I find the 2 days cleanse strategy much more tolerable, smoother and effective. A two-day low instead of a complete drop for about one day and spike it with a high-calorie meal to make up for it.

Now before doing the 2 day cleanse, I did it for one full day. I did it without the cleanse support bundle (which I recommend especially for a beginner) and I managed okay. But I found it to be that the magic was on the second day. I really didn’t even feel that hungry.

The vitamins, minerals and herbs paired with the fact that it is of superior, no-compromise quality, makes for a wonderful system for re-balancing your bodies functions.

For someone who is actually calorie-conscious in the surplus area, I was weary of the idea of a 2 day cleanse. I didn’t want to lose strength, energy or muscle. Afterall calories are energy right? But I thought, “well if it will help re-balance things and help to better absorb nutrients, it is like a one-step-back-two-step-forward approach. And that is how it seems to have worked out. Put it this way: If Jesus could fast for 40 days straight, I am sure anyone can handle a 2 day cleanse!

So how did I actually feel coming out of the cleanse?

When I awoke on day 3, I had a nutritionally-dense superfood shake. 240 calories with lots of protein paired with a greens powder. Not only does it actually taste great, but I felt so alive and ready to rock the day. I tended to my morning workout thereafter, and was impressed with the amount of energy and the physical ability to tolerate the movements of my workout. I really over estimated the workout and underestimated my ability without a caffeine and a cleansed body. The only other thing I did have was creatine which I normally take before workouts.

So to those who say that cleansing will make you weak, it makes sense from a caloric perspective. Afterall, calories are energy. The way I see it, all of the junk that goes onto our bodies wear us down over a accumulated period of time and no matter how well you eat, you still have to clean out the junk if you want to feel and perform your best. So in turn, you must be feeling stronger. Well that’s my theory, but I put it to the test and now I speak from experience.


I know there are many different juicing concoctions out there for cleansing, but they typically miss many valuable components. A nutritional system that cleanses at a cellular level where most problems reside is very rare. Most cleansing systems only address one area, whether it is for parasites, colon, kidney, candida, heavy metals etc. and are costly. And some of them tend to last up to a week. And targeting one area is like curing a symptom rather than getting to the root of the problem, which is what cellular cleansing more so addresses. Needless to say many of the traditional ones are painful and make you run to the bathroom. Not this one! It is gentle and you can enjoy your day. As a bonus, you get to eat chocolate and tasty tums-like tablets. (not actual tums and not just any chocolate)


I couldn’t even imagine gathering all of the ingredients individually for the system I used. And they are all there for a reason. If you are one of those raw food only people who only get your food straight out of the dirt, this may be a problem with accepting the idea of a cleansing system coming in a container. But if you are open enough to shifting your mind to see that it is easier than searching the world and pulling out every ingredient individually and putting together what you think is the master formula (which is a job for somebody else), then this may help you out.

Now I can’t promise you will reap the benefits as I did. My body type is different, my goals are different and my lifestyle is different, I’m sure. You could go out and try the latest Dr. Oz juice concoction or some internet guru’s idea. We have enough people out there who claim to have the answer, but I personally, will stick with what works for me and many many thousands of other people.


One thing I will advise if you are to do your own cleanse concoction of fruits, veggies and spices etc. is to make sure the produce is organically grown and preferably local. Anything less and you are likely just reintroducing pesticides and impurities back into your body. Either way, cleansing is not just a matter of it happening all by itself. Everybody should be cleansing some how, some way. More and more people are becoming open to the idea and interested in trying it. It really does miracles for the body. I am a very healthy person (on purpose), but I don’t pride myself to be superior to the benefits of cleansing and neither should you. We understand the idea of draining the old oil out of our engines so we can put fresh stuff in again. So if you don’t think twice about the cost to change the oil in your car, why should the cost of something to clean out your system stop you? I actually look forward to this cleanse again.

If you want to know more about what I did and the systems I used, feel free to add me to facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brendan.kearney.73 and message me for details. I would gladly help you out in whatever health or fitness goals are! You can also go to the Vibranatural Facebook Page and follow me there.

Thank you for reading and just remember: Keep it simple, keep it natural

Brendan K


Do You Eat as Healthy as You Think?

It has been said over and over that mother nature provides all of
the nutrition we need to be healthy and fully nourished. Okay maybe not in that exact wording, but that is the idea. If you want to be ultimately healthy, lose weight, have more energy, build more muscle, age more youthfully and live until you are 100, mother nature has you covered.

Now this may be true, or at least that was mother nature’s intention until humans messed it all up. We have done so much damage to this earth to the point where it has an extreme effect on our health. It is my firm belief that food in its original form straight from mother nature is not enough anymore. It’s not enough to just buy fresh produce, free range eggs, or nuts and seeds and the reason is this: Our modern agricultural and farming practices have left our food to be undernourished. The use of pesticides, herbicides etc. to protect the farmer’s produce has degraded our soil, causing it to be minerally deficient.


We need many different kinds of minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, etc. in certain amounts in order for our bodies to perform it’s functions. In total, we need around 70 of these different minerals according to Dr. Peter Greenlaw and many other experts in the field of nutrition. Unfortunately, most of us are not getting the proper nutrition without these minerals, especially if we rely on food alone.

Lite-Trac_Crop_SprayerA great example that is rather scary to think about are the numerous studies been done on the vitamin and mineral content of food such as spinach. Spinach is originally a great source of iron, however, comparing the modern content of that iron in spinach with one bowl of it to one bowl in 1952, they conclude that today, we need 42 bowls of spinach to equal one bowl worth from 1952 to get the same amount of iron from it! Imagine eating 42 bowls of spinach just to meet the iron requirements!

Needless to say, the vitamin content is also lacking. If you think that one big orange will give you the vitamin C your body naturally calls for each day, think again. it would be more like 8 or 9 to get the amount of C that our grandparents got from one orange.


And apparently organic is no better in the sense of nutritional density. Less herbicides and pesticides and no GMO’s which is healthier and less toxic, however, the nutritional density is often times not any better. If that is the case then isn’t it crazy how much more organic food costs compared to conventional?

Over half a century ago, organic was all there was. So there was no surplus in cost because it had no other form of growth in which to compare to. Without a doubt, we are overpaying for organic produce when we shop for it. You certainly have an advantage if you grow your own garden or even buy locally.


Yangzhou_-_industrial_area_west_of_Wenfeng_Temple_-_P1130239The other thing that we have to be aware of is how toxins play as a hazard towards our health. Our modern industrialized world, especially North America and now China, have wreaked havoc on our environment with man made toxins, pollutants and chemicals in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breath. Our bodies do a good job of detoxifying on their own, but not in a world that creates such an excessive amount of toxins and minerally deficient food. It is like a head on collision with illness and disease.


So for these reasons, this is why diets fail. They are simply not enough. The whole idea of reducing calories to lose weight is backfiring for so many people because the nutrition density is what makes calories count, which is what we all should be focusing on. Unfortunately, this is not as easy to do if we can’t just go to the grocery store to get all of our nutrients our bodies need anymore.

So what happens for us people if this is the case? Well, as we have evidently seen over the last few decades, more and more people are sick and the percentage of health risks are up tenfold compared to generations ago. Without getting into statistics, we know that more and more diseases exist amongst the general population that did not even exist half a century ago. And it can all be traced back to one thing: Nutritional deficiencies. Now this is for several reasons and one is of what we are discussing here. The fact that our food is nutritionally deficient creates an abundance of health risks. We know that more and more fast food joints and processed foods make it a problem, but to even those who think they are eating healthy are at risk of suffering from an illness one way or another.

Now all this talk is making me feel like a downer and I’m not here to impose that vibe on you. Those are just the facts as they have been provided with valid evidence over the years. However, there is hope and there are solutions to make up for what we lack in our food.


Supplementation nowadays is necessary. Whether you are an athlete, a fitness buff, a health nut or whatever, food supplementation is the answer. Things like multivitamins, protein powders and herbal supplements are all very beneficial, however, not all are created equal. There are good companies and bad companies.

It is not as simple as going to Walmart or Costco to get low cost vitamins and protein powders. Most multivitamins there will be incomplete or synthetic, meaning they come from an unnatural source. Protein powders are rarely accurate to what the label actually states. Yes, many of the ones on the market do not actually deliver what is on the label. You also need to take into account the source of protein and how it has been processed. It makes a huge difference.

The proper multivitamin will greatly enhance the amount of minerals and vitamin uptake so we can better absorb nutrients in our food as well as having our bodies function more like they were meant to. A non synthetic multivitamin with the right balance of vitamins and minerals will work great.

Another option is a whole food meal replacement shake. These are generally more healthy than a typical protein powder, but again, you need to consider the good from the bad.

An ideal balance of healthy fats, carbs and protein are mixed together to make a complete meal replacement shake. A good balance of vitamins minerals and fiber from healthy carbs and fats also assure you get one nutritionally sound meal replacement. And in many cases they are delicious. I would suggest finding one that has over 200 calories as they are more complete and wont leave you starving an hour later.


Many many people still choose to live with the belief that food straight from nature gives them all the nutrients they need to stay nourished and that there is no need for supplementation. Often times they will think that it is just the supplement industries way of pitching and selling us on an idea and luring them to their products. Now looking at this with an open perspective, it makes sense. However, again with the research that has been done (and not just by supplement companies), there is evidence of what is going on with our food supply.

Now I agree that some companies will take advantage on this and mislead consumers in pursuit of profit. If this is the reality people live in though, it is going to be very difficult for them to be open to a true solution. Many people have built up such think walls that they don’t allow either good or bad in or at least be open to education on the problem and solution.


Young woman silhouette practicing yoga on the sea beach at sunset

Fortunately, I see people will open up and see the world for what it is as time goes on. They will realize truths, accept it and be open to opportunities and solutions. This world is full of good people with good intentions. That means there are also great companies run by loyal, compassionate and trustworthy people with integrity. They are the ones bringing solutions to the marketplace to better humanity.

However, in a world which has been exposed to “harsh truths” and taught to avoid scams lose trust in any and everybody. This along with corporate forces and greed that control the masses make it difficult for people to be open to a better world. However, it is out there and people are stepping up more than ever. I for one am one out of many, and this is just one way I share with people a healthier life they can live.

Brendan K


P.S: Check out these relevant sources:


Cleansing: The Foundation for Optimal Health?

This week, I am discussing a topic that is (in my opinion) misconceived and misunderstood overall. Although there are an abundance of sources available, I think many take a lot of valuable information and neglect it through procrastination or ignorance.

Many people believe it is unnecessary to undergo a deep cleanse where they deprive themselves of most foods and do juice fasts or other methods of cleansing. They say or believe that if you eat very healthy and drink lots of water, you don’t need to bother. Ironically, this usually comes from people who don’t even bother to educate themselves or indulge in healthy habits of their own. In this case, we will leave them out of it. For those of you who are reading this however, I applaud you for taking initiative, even if you are just interested in hearing what I have to say.

Cropduster_spraying_pesticidesNow even though we do have access to an array of natural foods like produce and nuts an seeds, our agricultural system has bombarded our food supply with chemicals like pesticides, herbicides and other “cides”. These chemicals, as many of us know, are sprayed to kill off insects to protect the crops. If insects can’t even eat this food without dying, imagine what it is doing to our bodies over time.

Now in many cases we can bypass this issue with the choice of locally grown and/or organic fresh produce from farmers we know and trust. but unless you have this kind of access or you have your own garden all year round, you need to be doing something more.

Many of the fresh fruits such as berries and apples support a cleansing process in our bodies, however, our industrial advancement all over the world has polluted our air with many different toxins that are beyond our own body’s ability to rid themselves on their own. So unless we live in a bubble, we have to be doing something more.

Now our bodies do their work on their own by passing waste. This is one way people determine if things are working right, but it goes beyond what we can see. Our bodies are smart and can detect if something is out of line, but most people ignore this signal.

Many people believe that our bodies cleanse themselves well enough on their own and there’s no need to undergo a thorough cleanse. Just because we excrete toxins from our urine and poop does not mean we are purified and cleaned out. Toxins get into our cells and become stubborn. They can disrupt many many patterns in our bodies. And people will generally go to their doctor and get prescribed to something. This only makes matters worse in the long run.

1507643_10153562827888294_6785925895174764618_nToxins are harmful to our organs and our body will create fat around them for protection. This is even evident in why so many are obese in today’s world. If you want to get to the bottom of things with your health, especially obesity, you should look to proper cleansing first.

Cleansing at a cellular level rebalances the body so it is better able to metabolize food and absorb nutrients. It also helps control blood sugar and food cravings along with an array of other health benefits.

Being overweight is a sign of toxicity, but it is not the exception. A skinny person can be just as or even more toxic. And it is not just a matter of lifestyle choices, rather, the environmental pollutants that are beyond our control. Large cities with many factories, vehicles and such are usually the most damaging to our environment and to our health. Even much of the food in the grocery stores, cleaning products and even cosmetics carry toxins (which is why I advocate natural stuff all the time!)

So regardless of your background, genetic makeup, health or fitness level, residence, race or lifestyle, you should be doing something to support your bodies ability to detox what it cannot do on it’s own with the excessive overload of toxins in our modern world.

Think about this: How long can you drive your car before it needs an oil change? And what happens when you go far beyond the due date to change the oil? And what about when you have dozens of programs running on your computer that is obviously beyond it’s ability to handle or when you have so many files stored that your computer slows down or crashes?

It seems that people get these concepts with their material possessions, but tend to neglect their most important asset, their bodies. If you truly learn to appreciate what your body is capable of, you would begin to treat it with the utmost respect. Just because you didn’t buy it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t upkeep it.

I think cleansing should be the first thing that the public gets educated about when it comes to health. Its really not enough to just follow the typical food guide. Cleansing is like the foundation of maintaining good health. Its like taking out the trash. You don’t just put garbage in your can and let it sit. You need to haul it out.

Many experts and doctors neglect the need for cleansing. I also believe that they, along with people in general have a bad taste in their mouths about cleansing and think the idea comes from supplement companies trying to sell us stuff. It is also a rather dreadful subject and can scare people away. So it makes sense why it is not being addressed to the public, in schools and other places that have some sort of health consultation.

Imagine how much healthier, more energetic, vibrant and alive and physically free people would be all around the world had they had access to true and effective information about health and nutrition? Imagine having a clean slate every so often so you could function optimally day in-day out.

I see great things in the future as more and more people are waking up and becoming more aware and seek the truth. Thankfully there are many solutions being revealed as more and more are willing to step up and help others. I think the health movement has generated a lot of momentum and more and more people are benefiting worldwide with the health and wellness that God intended for us.

So that is my take on cleansing. I know I didn’t go into detail about why and how to cleanse. This post was all about my basic knowledge and viewpoint and not to prove myself or show any credibility. Feel free to add any information, comments or feedback (no negative feedback please!)

See you on the next one, and remember. Keep it simple, keep it natural!

Brendan K


Empowering people to live a healthier, more vibrant life!

Back on Track

Okay so last week I was supposed to write a review-type post on my experience without my nutritional system and just eating more food. I thought, however, that I would go another week before posting to give my experiment a fair trial.

It has been two weeks now since re-introducing these products back into my body and I swear it was like resetting a breaker switch. I am glad to be back and I feel like myself again.

Along with the array of healthy food alternatives, this system gives me an excuse to feel good all day and rip it up in my workouts. There is nothing like going to bed early on a Friday night just to get up at dawn to train in the morning when everything is still quiet.

I don’t know about you but one thing that really amps me up for a workout is a well-balanced and caffeinated source of energy. Now most pre-workout formulas on the market are not so healthy or natural and can even be somewhat dangerous! So for that matter, pre-workouts do tend to have a bad reputation within the healthy lifestyle club. Thankfully, what I use suits the bill of a health freak. 100mg of naturally sourced caffeine from green tea and yerba mate paired with adaptogens.It is basically rocket fuel for the body!

Another product that makes a huge difference for me are the meal replacement shakes. now I am an ectomorph and have a super high metabolism. I burn calories just walking to the fridge. I have increased my caloric intake for the sake of gaining muscle mass so a high protein meal replacement shake with a healthy balance of carbs and fat just makes sense. Now mind you I also have some fruit or a small meal to go with it to bump up the calories.

Where it really makes a difference though is the nutrient density. At 280 calories, there is enough vitamins and minerals to outdo a 1200 calorie 3 course meal that is even nutritious. And you have energy to use instantly! It is also a great recovery drink with the easily digesting undenatured whey protein. Yeah, better than chocolate milk!

Some people will argue that you can get all of your nutrition requirements from food, which I do agree with one condition. It’s a pain in the ass and it takes up time preparing meals and in the end is very costly. I prefer just replacing one or 2 meals a day with a shake that takes 2 minutes to prep and drink for under $4.

And if there is anything that is more important than quality protein, it is Omega-3 and preferably from fish oil. I get my 2 servings a day in a multivitamin.

Fish oil is very anti-inflammatory and lubricates the joints. Very important for anyone who is physically active and anyone who is still alive really. It supports brain and eye health big time. Unfortunately, not all fish oil brands are created equal. I trust the company that sources mine though as they have such high integrity and care for the bettering of humanity and not profit margins. Do your research on fish oil before selecting one.

Now again, without getting into too much detail about what I have incorporated in my nutritional system, I am re-assured that it works magically. But it’s not all magic, more-less, it’s back by science and research. I do look forward to each and every day that I have to use these products along with an array of quality food and still manage to fit my budget!

So the moral of the story here is that if you need to reassure to yourself of how effective something is that you incorporate into your healthy lifestyle, try depriving yourself of it. Test it out. After some time you will either be convinced that you need it back or that you can go without it.

Try new things. A healthy lifestyle is a life-long journey of incorporating new concepts and methods. Anything from cold showers, meditating, chi gong, yoga, spiritual healing practices, essential oils. There are so many things to try out and can each compliment one another for a greater you!

For me, the fundamentals are knowing that I have my hands on the highest quality of nutrition available that I know of. It is the initial step to living well.

So long for now and just remember, keep it real, keep it natural!


Brendan K




The Least Healthy Week of the Year?

Hello there fellow health and wellness nuts, long time no blog! It’s been nearly 13 months since I last posted. A lot has happened in my life over the course of a year but that is not what I am here to talk about.

As most of you know, I advocate the importance of real food nutrition from the purest sources possible and fuelling our bodies with things that are as close to what nature intended. I also believe in whole food supplementation to assist in our nutrition as our modern agricultural system and farming practices fail to deliver in most cases. This truly limits the access to pure, untainted high quality food because our soil is also lacking in minerals responsible for producing nutritionally dense food like it used to. I’m not here to lay down facts and some may argue with that. Either way, I support the use of whole food supplementation but only of sources that are as close to as what nature intended without the use of artificial ingredients or synthetic vitamins. This is very rare to come across in the food supplement industry, but not impossible. now on to my story:

So it has been a whole year since I have been using a nutritional system daily that is full of products to support optimal health, vitality and increase energy and performance for workouts and an active lifestyle. I have also (prior to this nutritional superfood system) been consuming clean organic produce, meat and free range eggs as well as other food supplements from local health food stores.

Once I started this particular nutritional superfood system from a highly reputable company, I saw no need for any more expensive superfoods from health food stores. My system covered that and more.

I love the energy and mental clarity that such a system delivers, but I felt the need to do some justice. I had an intuitive nudge from within to experiment with having NONE of these products whatsoever for at least a week. I did this just to see if there would be any change in the way I felt overall. I wanted to put myself in other people’s shoes who did not use any food supplementation. Instead of shakes, I replaced them with more food sources to complete a meal and had no additional vitamins or fish oil except the omega 3 from food here and there.

So overall, I still ate quite clean and balanced meals but did have my cheat meals and Clif bars all over as I just did not want to invest too much money in alternative food sources. I thought I would just save some money and eat whatever I had around the house but I just ended up spending more money on groceries and lunches for work.

As far as how I felt, I noticed a significant difference overall in the last week. Even though I still ate quite healthy compared to the standard U.S diet, my energy throughout the day diminished. I did not feel as strong and my food did not seem to process and digest as well. My immune system did not feel as strong and I felt more susceptible to allergies (although I did consume more dairy, which probably did not help). I even got irritated with small things and even felt more susceptible to negative influences. Pretty crazy for just a shift in my food choices.

Now it is not all thanks to this experiment I am sure. There are other factors that could have come in to play that threw me off. I do think, however, that food does matter, especially if you eat clean quality organic natural foods religiously. But I still don’t feel I should give all the discredit to a lesser quality of nutrition. Oh well, the experiment was interesting.

I had a workout yesterday morning and instead of my usual healthy source of caffeine in a shot form, I picked up a glass bottle of Starbucks iced coffee mixed with skim milk. I thought I would get more caffeine just to feel high and get a rush so I got a coffee from the shop right after. I went to workout and things were just not the same.

I was pumping out reps on the overhead bar and was tiring out quickly. The caffeine kick surely backfired on me and I just felt more distracted and overly reactive instead of calm and zen-like. The Starbucks certainly did not agree with my stomach. I guess I downed it too fast though. Half way through the workout I could feel the discomfort in my stomach and I soon had to pass on a #2. Too bad I was nowhere near a washroom so I just decided to hold on and pump out my session in the park and focus the best I could.

I am excited to go back to what was clearly working for me so well in contrast to what I just experienced over the last week. Now I do have to admit I only experimented for a week so it is possible that I developed a dependency for the system of products I was using. Maybe slamming on the breaks and going cold turkey really made the difference. I may have curved back up had I gone longer without, but I was not interested to find out. I am just excited to start the week off with what was working so well for me and to restore my belief in the products. At least that’s what I expect for the following week when I start back on them starting with a cleanse to reset my body.

I would not say it is a bad thing to become “dependant” on a supplement system. It’s not like alcohol or drugs. It’s healthy. If you are like me, you probably want to feel your best even if that means feeling better than you ever thought possible, and consistently. At 31 years old and working steady as a roofer and a weekend warrior, I can tell you with assurance that superior nutrition and taking care of your body makes a world of a difference. It has helped me endure my physically demanding lifestyle with more ease and push my physical performance. Living a low-stress lifestyle comes with your own personal journey. Find what works for you and stick with it.

Nutrition is just one area to explore and enhance, but plays a huge part in your overall health, wellness, mental clarity, energy and ability to manage stress. Our typical fast paced lifestyle of running around and worrying demands that we fuel our bodies with quality nutrition so we don’t break down.

Now I am not suggesting that you do what I do, nor am I here to promote a specific product or company. If what you are currently doing to fuel your body and you are truly happy with the results, then by all means keep doing it. If you think you can get better protein than any supplement from natural food along with all of your nutrient requirements then good on you! I prefer, however, having a nutritionally dense superfood shake along with products that deliver in optimal health and energy to supplement my diet in a box delivered to my door. A system that assures I am getting the right nutrients and in balanced amounts so I don’t miss anything. It keeps the guess work low and is enjoyable.

It’s a system like this that allows for more flexibility in my diet and I can feel better about what I eat for meals. Yes, I still eat food and enjoy healthy delicious meals. Never abandon food!

And if you are currently using products to supplement your diet, make sure you love them and don’t mind having shakes instead of food here and there. It’s meant to be enjoyable. Also, make sure you know about the company and the level of quality of their products. Do they put people before profit? That will tell you the level of integrity they have in their products. Are they all natural, minimally processed? These are a few things to consider when investing in a great system. There are not many out there, so do your homework and be selective!

There is no right or wrong way to eat and spend your money on food but there are surely better ways than others. Everybody is different too and all respond to different things. I still think though that chocolate milk is NOT the ultimate recovery drink and you should not buy into the ridiculous commercials that target fitness folks. Those corporate giants could care less about your health and recovery after workouts, but that is a rant for another day.

Anyways, its nice to be back on the blog and sharing with you my journey. See you next week and I will be writing an update on the following week about the results of reintroducing those products back into my body. No bridges to burn yet.

So long for now. Keep it real and keep it natural!

Brendan K



High Protein Chocolate Blueberry Pie

Hello everyone, today I am posting a recipe for a really delicious pie that I created by accident. If you have read my previous recipe on my Overnight Oatmeal mix, you will see that it is quite similar. I just changed a couple of ingredients and the process is slightly different to result in more of a pie-like form so you can enjoy it as a treat and truly reap the benefits of these ingredients.

DSC_1458.jpgINGREDIENTS: 1/2 of quick oats, boiled water, ground flaxseed, sea salt, ground cinnamon, 2tbsp chocolate hemp protein powder, 1/2 scoop (16-18g) of chocolate whey protein, 1/6 cup of sliced almonds, small handful of raisins, blueberries, some almond milk


RECIPE: As a side note before I begin, you can use just one source of protein powder. you don’t have to use hemp and whey like I did. I just did that because I usually have a protein shake somewhere in the day and I don’t like to use too much of one protein source all the time. I used half of a serving for each, so if you wanted to do just straight whey protein in this pie, then you would use the whole scoop. Keep in mind, this is intended as one serving, but you can split it up however you wish.

  1. Bring 1/2 cup of quick oats to a boil with just enough water to bury the oats in the bowl or dish and stir
  2. add 2tbsp of ground or milled flaxseed, 2tbsp of chocolate hemp protein, 1/2 scoop of chocolate whey protein (or one scoop of whey or 4tbsp of hemp) and stir until consistency is reached
  3. If the mix gets hard and dry, add in some almond milk and continue stirring
  4. Add in desired amount of sea salt and cinnamon and stir
  5. Again, as the mix thickens, add in some more almond milk and stir until consistency is reached
  6. Add in about 1/2 cup of blueberries (washed is recommended). Don’t mush the blueberries unless you want them that way, just bury them in the mix
  7. Add in about 1/6 cup of sliced almonds and about 1/3 cup of raisins
  8. You might want to top up on some more almond milk if it has thickened up again and stir until hardened (sounds retarded, but you will know what I mean when you go to make your own likely). You want the end result to be thick like a pie and not thin like oatmeal
  9. Once thoroughly mixed and thick, leave it to cool down and put in the fridge for later (sorry you can’t have it yet lol)

I will just let you know before you decide to bash me and say that the end result is not a pie, that I am aware of that. I know it sucks that you can’t just cut a slice out and eat it. This is meant to be eaten with a spoon out of the bowl or dish. There’s nothing wrong with that is there? LOL

You can always swap ingredients for others that you wish to use. Make it your own, be creative and show me what you come up with. Or you can make yours exactly as mine is and see how it turns out for you.

This is my new favourite breakfast and it makes me look forward to getting up in the morning.

Quick eating tip: Don’t eat upon waking up. Doing this raises cortisol, a stress hormone that will likely lead to fat gain.


500 calories, 33g of protein, 45g of carbs, 18g of fat, 7g of fibre (estimated)

Keep in mind that these numbers are met for in conjunction with my caloric intake and fitness goals. Don’t suggest that these numbers are ideally healthy for you. People have different metabolic responses and require a different amount of calories and nutrients like protein, fats and carbs for their desired body and health. You may also likely have different health and fitness goals for your ideal body. For this reason, suggesting that this amount of calories or macronutrients is unhealthy is likely from an uneducated, biased opinion.

That is it for today, leave comments and questions. Also check out and like the Vibranatural Facebook page and/or follow on Twitter!


The Essentials For a Post Workout Smoothie



DSC_1125.jpgAs I will upload on my Youtube channel, I am talking about some key elements when it comes to a “functional” post workout smoothie or shake. I quote functional because many people just consider a typical meal as a post workout.

Now from a healthy food standpoint,  a post workout meal or smoothie is more forgiving than a typical healthy meal consisting of greens and uncompromisable carb and protein sources.

Post workout typically means “within one hour after intense exercise” and is the recommended time frame in which you should consume a meal.


Now most of us, especially those who are trying to lose weight are very conscious of the glycemic index. They always want to avoid spiking insulin (which is a valuable health strategy as well), but if you are exercising hard on a regular basis, you might want to look into the value of spiking your insulin right before and following your workout.

It is important that we avoid spiking our insulin on a regular basis, but when it comes to priming yourself for rigorous exercise like long running, cycling, weight lifting, hard cardio, you will benefit from an insulin spike.

This makes for rapid absorption and provides replenishment for your depleted glycogen stores. Now I can’t speak for those who are diabetic or have insulin issues.


What I mean by a fast carb is a simple carb. A simple carb is generally a sugary carb with little to no fibre per serving. They are also known as simple carbs and because of their nutrient content, they absorb quickly.

Examples of this would be sports drinks, vitamin water, orange juice, a candy bar with little to no fat, pop tarts and almost any type of junk food that you would find in those dirty grocery isles. Consider those high fibre cereals that claim to be healthy as well, but are just sugar-coated granola and spike your insulin fairly quickly.

Now whats with all of these “dirty” foods being suggested here? Why degrade your healthy habits with pre or post workout junk? It will do the trick minus the protein you also need, but if you want to keep it healthy, no problem! Try natural single ingredient foods like dates, maple syrup, or honey (the real stuff). Try 4 to 6 dates in you smoothie for extra sweetness and functional post workout fuel. Even bananas will work great as well as pineapples, oranges or mangos. They are very sugary but natural. I am not a fan of citrus, but they will do as well if you prefer.

High fibre complex carbs such as beans, lentils, quinoa, sweet potatoes or brown rice are better off eaten in your next meal following your workout. These low glycemic carbs, along with all the fibre will slow the absorption process when you want a speedy absorption of nutrients for your starving muscles. I would also recommend avoiding a lot of fibre in a pre workout snack as it can cause bloating and cramps during your workout.


Protein is another essential macronutrient for post workout muscle recovery. Most protein sources sources are rich in amino acids which are the building blocks for muscle. Even if you are just mainly focused on burning fat, more protein will activate the fat burning hormone and lower your glycemic load. Try one or two protein shakes in between meals for this.

On to the muscle building now, when it come to a “post workout” source, you need a fast absorbing protein source. Animal protein is the hardest to digest and therefore, is not so beneficial after a meal. And since we are talking about smoothies here, they are pretty much out of the question unless you want to pull a Bruce Lee and blend up raw beef to gulp down.

I would recommend whey protein in your smoothie, as it is the fastest absorbing protein source available. It contains up to 90% protein per serving. Don’t worry about hydrolyzed whey protein, a whey concentrate will do just fine. Even better if it is mixed with whey isolate. This provides lower lactose and a higher level of protein. I would not recommend pure whey isolate though because processed at higher temperatures to filter out the fat and sugar. Whey concentrate has the most health benefits and is the most bioavailable. Just make sure it is cold processed.

To keep it healthy, avoid any whey protein powders that contain artificial flavouring and stick with one made with grass fed cows without the use of hormones.

I currently use BodyLogix All Natural Whey protein. It fits all the standards of a healthy, clean and bioavailable source of whey protein with a blend of concentrate and isolate.

Other protein powders are optional, but not as effective. If you are a vegan, your protein sources are limited, but you can use plant sources of protein powder that have less fibre to be absorbed quickly when your muscles depend on it. Digestive enzyme blends are usually added for better absorption, so this will help. Also, adding to a protein powder (or meal replacement shake of this nature) a banana or some dates will help in this case.


Okay so this whole blog seems to be all about absorption here and it wasn’t my intention, so take it easy. This is however, is also a key strategy in providing faster absorption. Fats are very slow digesting just like most protein sources. This is why it is essential to keep the fat content very low in your post workout shake. So limit your nutty butters, almonds and such.

The one fat exception though is coconut oil. Coconut oil acts more like a high glycemic carb. I know, more things for you weight watchers to hate on about coconut oil, but remember, its an all natural, single ingredient that has many health benefits and wont slowly kill you like fat free butters and such.

Coconut oil and dates along with anything chocolaty like chocolate whey protein will go great together. Also, try dates dipped in coconut oil for a pre workout snack! It is deadly delicious. Well not deadly, more healthy.


It really depends on your fitness goals and requirements for your workouts. If you are doing some sort of endurance racing, cardio or low intensity type training, your protein needs wont be as high as someone who is strength training or bodybuilding where muscle mass is the object.

Regardless of what your exercise consists of, carbs are essential. We discussed what kind of carbs ideally, but you should be adding in at least 30g of carbohydrates and preferably healthy selections. A mixture of fruit is great for smoothies. Bananas and dates are my top choices. If you are not having a smoothie, I would recommend white potatoes, preferably organic since they are generally loaded with pesticides for the conventional versions.

If you are on a low carb diet and allow for additional carbs here and there as a treat, make it in the meal following your workout or at least the meal after that.


I don’t know about you, but I sure as hell believe in working out hard for your post workout enjoyment. It’s more satisfying when you put in the effort to make that recovery shake worthwhile. If you are feathering throughout your workout and not putting yourself in any sort of strenuous action that would render in any sort of gains, then you really have no need for any of what I have just written about. Those sugary carbs will just add additional fat for those of you who don’t metabolize carbs very well. So instead of avoiding these delicious and even healthy post workout smoothies because of all the carbs and sugar, make them work for you by amping up your workout.

If you are jogging on the treadmill, watching tv or conversing with your friend, you are not putting in the worthwhile effort to get results.


Here is what I usually have in my smoothie. Keep in mind, I do switch it up here and there but these are the typical ingredients thrown in to my blender:

  • Almond milk (original or unsweetened)
  • Lettuce or spinach
  • Chocolate whey protein
  • 1 tsp of peanut butter
  • 4 to 6 dates
  • 1 large frozen banana
  • Flaxseed
  • Sea salt
  • Cinnamon (recently been doing this and it’s amazing)
  • Frozen Berries (if I run out of dates)
  • Ice cubes (gives it a slushy texture and keeps it cool)

You can also use other ingredients like coconut oil, greek yogurt, or various fruits. Be creative and unique and enjoy it!

Just remember, keep it simple and keep it natural!


Brendan Kearney


For more info on natural food supplements, go to Vibranatural.com

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Health Benefits of Whey Protein

SONY DSCHello there fellow readers, writers, health and fitness nuts, natural health followers, leaders, whatever you are or would like to be.  Today I am going to speak about where protein powder stands as far as health benefits go. Im going to talk about specifically whey protein as it is the most popular amongst all protein supplements and therefore, draws the most controversy.

We know about whey protein and protein supplements in general as their aim to deliver a convenient and affective source of protein to fuel workouts and support muscle growth as well as weight loss. But are protein powders, and specifically whey protein actually healthy?

Many health and fitness gurus or “noobs” will argue on this topic. While this will be an ongoing argument for enthusiasts and those with higher knowledge in the supplement industry, I am going to share with you what I know based on my knowledge an research and what I come to understand.

As I mentioned, there is a lot of controversy in regards to the effectiveness of whey protein power as a performance nutritional supplement and now, more recently, a health and longevity supplement.

While it is meant more for performance to fuel athletes and trainers, there are known health benefits that can make it a server of both worlds. Like most supplements and processed foods, whey protein does get negative publicity through blog posts, facebook groups and forums etc. Since whey protein is a byproduct of cow’s milk and cheese manufacturing, many who practice a “healthy” lifestyle will frown upon it.

Another big issue with whey protein powders are that the majority of them carry artificial ingredients for color and texture, which is unfortunate as it tends to give whey protein powder a bad name. Many people will carry out the belief that all whey protein must be garbage without realizing that there are high quality products from reputable brands that actually care about making top quality protein with proper manufacturing processes that do not degrade quality in favor of profit.

As I preach, and what many health and wellness gurus preach is that dairy products are unhealthy. They are acid-forming in the body and are pro-inflammatory, setting the stage for various diseases. Dairy is also highly allergenic and many people are lactose intolerant. I think we are all lactose intolerant to some degree. However, I consume whey protein myself for more than just enjoyment and I am back into weight training so additional protein when I need it is convenient, along with more calories.

Its no wonder though why so many people put up a red flag since they associate whey protein with dairy. Most people don’t know however just how little of dairy whey protein actually contains.


Milk is made of 2 proteins: casein and whey. They whey portion is only 20% and casein containing the other 80% of the cow’s milk. The whey liquid is separated from the casein and goes through a filtering process to eliminate the non-whey components.

The water is removed from the liquid at a drying station, resulting in a powder. The heat in which it is dried is what determines much of the quality and bioactivity of the whey protein structure. This is crucial if the whey protein is going have any health benefits at all.

Most of the inflammatory response from dairy resides within the casein portion, so when you remove the casein, you remove much of the lactose and therefore, makes it more user friendly. To take it a step further, whey protein isolate is almost pure protein. It goes through another filtering process to strip away any excess fat, sugar and lactose. The end result is 90% protein per serving or higher. This makes for a more user-friendly protein powder for those who are lactose intolerant. But because of the high heat used in processing whey isolate, it falls short of many of the health benefits.


Whey protein has not only been shown effective for muscle building and weight loss, but it is also the leading food source for providing the super antioxidant, glutathione. This antioxidant plays a major role in managing the effectiveness of all antioxidants. It also helps utilize energy levels and detoxify the liver, which is crucial for those following a high protein diet.

Like all antioxidants, glutathione helps to destroy free radicals which helps to slow aging and kill off cancer cells. This is essential as our bodies produces less glutathione as we age.

Glutathione depletion (or decrease) has been shown through a study when one undergoes strenuous physical, aerobic, or other physical activity. Glutathione production is also responsible for the support of immune function. This is critical when your muscles are depleted of glycogen after intense exercise. A high glycemic carb is necessary at this point, but also some protein with the amino acids that form glutathione.

You can find it in high protein sources like chicken, fish, beef, eggs, and such, but whey protein absorbs way quicker to serve muscle glycogen following a workout. I use BodyLogix All Natural Whey protein. I blend it up with some fruit, nut milk and maybe some oats. I feel better about getting the post-workout nutrition that is necessary with the way I exercise lol.

Glutathione deficiency has also been linked to various diseases such as alzheimers, parkinsons, arthritis, asthma, coronary and autoimmune disorders, cancer and other inflammatory issues. This could make whey protein a great antidote for such diseases. More so as a way to help prevent such diseases rather than cure for now. We don’t want to jump to conclusions yet.

Now not all whey protein powders are created equal. Like I mentioned, whey isolate will not have the benefits of glutathione replenishment. To get the benefits of this antioxidant, look for an all natural whey protein from concentrate. It also needs to be bioactive, so look for undenatured or cold processed on the label. Also make sure the whey is originated from cows that are grass fed and not treated with hormones. Look for labeling of these sorts or go as far as to research the company and it’s manufacturing practices for further assurance.


For those of you in the market for weight loss especially, whey protein has been shown to help reduce weight without sacrificing muscle. The amino acids generated during gastrointestinal digestion enhances the release of several hormones that impact the metabolic rate and that control food cravings.

BCAA’s (branch chained amino acids) in whey protein also play a major role in maintaining lean muscle mass mainly in older adults. A study shows that those who had high leucine levels (an essential amino acid) and were on a restricted calorie diet lost more weight and maintained more muscle mass over 16 weeks than those who were on the same calorie restriction but did not use whey and consumed more of their calories from carbohydrates.

It has also been shown according to a study that the BCAA’s associated with whey can spur out an average life expansion of about 9 years of human life. This is even when starting to supplement at an elderly age.


We all need less stress in our lives. Unless you have mastered your emotional spectrum through miraculous meditation or just live a really simple life, you likely have a lot of things on your plate or just have a poor ability to cope with stress? Now of course whey protein is not going to solve all of your problems, but it has been shown through a study that whey protein helps lower cortisol (a stress hormone) with the aid of boosting serotonin from the amino acid, l-tryptophan which also helps with sleep.

Now this does not mean that you should ever cheat your diet and rely on whey to get you through the day, nor does it mean to down several whey protein shakes in one day. All benefits are found in moderation because not every food or supplement is perfect. Balance is key when it come to nutrition and dieting.


Obesity is linked to diabetes and the chances of being diagnosed increases when one is obese. So maintaining a healthy weight is important not just to feel good about yourself in the mirror, but to also lower your risk of diseases like type ll diabetes.

A study was conducted where rats were put on a high fat diet with one group given 100g of whey protein per litre of water while the other group had no whey. Rats who were fed whey protein through water increased their glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. They also maintained lower body fat percentage and higher lean muscle mass. The conclusion was that whey improved metabolic rate which is ideal for preventing type ll diabetes.

Human subjects were also divided into 3 groups of people who had different levels of insulin sensitivity and were given whey protein (from concentrate), canola oil and 50g of oral glucose each morning for 11 days. Don’t ask me what that canola oil was for, but I am sure there’s a reason for it.

It turned out though that the whey protein significantly reduced blood glucose in all 3 categories of people with different levels of insulin resistance yet the insulin resistance was not affected.


Out of all of the perceived health benefits of whey protein, this one to me is rather surprising, especially if you are still associating whey protein with dairy. I believe it has something to do with the glutathione that enables for some ease of allergies and asthma.

A complete protein sources may help with this due to their full spectrum of amino acids, but as far as boosting glutathione levels, only 3 amino acids are needed (cysteine, glutamate, and glycine). A study was conducted that found the cytokine response in children with atopic asthma. You can read more about the study here.


A new “whey” to live longer? According to a Washington State University study, whey protein has been shown to lower blood pressure when they took patients who were at risk of heart disease and/or stroke. You can read more about the study in the sources below.

Also, due to the availability of glutathione, whey protein can also help prevent cancer. I think that glutathione may be the backbone for every health benefit that whey protein could have.


With all of these reported health benefits along with the effectiveness of developing muscle mass when pairing with resistance training as well as helping to boost recovery via, post workouts and for pre-workout boost, I think whey protein powder is at the forefront of sports nutrition and supplementation for a reason.

As I said earlier, there will always be controversy in this area. I, myself don’t think you should put protein supplements or any supplements before food, but I believe they do the job in helping you meet your nutritional and fitness demands. Of course there are other protein sources available from mother nature that will do the job but sometimes convenience is key. Whey protein is a useful supplement and also shown to be useful for those who suffer various chronic illnesses and conditions.

Just remember, not all whey protein powders are created equal. To reap the true benefits, be sure to opt for whey protein that is only made from natural ingredients. The fewer, the better. Avoid ingredients like aspartame, maltodextrin, aceulfame potassium and sucralose. Also, your best bet is to get a whey protein made from concentrate as it is known to provide the most glutathione (which hold the key to much of the health and longevity benefits)

Also make sure they whey is from grass fed cows not treated with growth hormones and that it is undenatured. Cold processed means the same thing basically. If you still want a low lactose whey protein that measures up to all of this, I would recommend BodyLogix All Natural Whey protein, Whey Factors natural whey protein, and MRM 100% All Natural Whey. Each of these are made with a combination of whey protein concentrate and isolate for ideal absorption that has low lactose and still bioactive so you get the benefits of glutathione from the concentrate as well.

Thank you for reading and I hope I helped out some way. So long and remember, keep it simple, keep it natural.


Brendan K










Review on Vega One Nutritional Shake Supplement

vegaAlright, so this is the first review that I have done on a product through a blog, so I thought I would give it a shot. Today, I am reviewing the Vega brand All-in-one Nutritional Shake. This is what I am currently using, so it will be quite fresh.

I have been a fan of Vega products, especially the bars.

This is a whole food supplement also known as a meal replacement shake. Unlike protein powders, meal replacement shakes provide the essential vitamins and minerals in balanced proportions as well as a fine balance of quality carbohydrates, fats, and protein. They aim to provide everything that a proper meal would include.

The shake comes in four flavours: French vanilla, vanilla chai, chocolate, and berry. Chocolate has always been my favourite for every food supplement so that is what I am using.


Vega is a company that specializes in top grade plant-based nutrition. The co-founder, Brendan Brazier created the company out of sheer desire to find an optimal balance of nutrition that would ideally support his athletic and physical demands. As a runner, cyclist and Ironman competitor, he has been involved in the development of Vega products through experimentation to find the best quality food sources for athletic performance, recovery and overall health and longevity. He found that plant based sources resonated the best with his training regimen and that plant based nutrition could deliver the ultimate level of nutrition when practiced properly and had no compromises when you got it right.

The end result was a product that carried out an abundance of nutrients from high performance and quality food sources that make up the ingredients in the nutritional shake.


A very well balanced macronutrient profile which tends to be sustainable as a meal replacement and gives you energy. A respectable 16 grams of protein, 3.7g of fat and 11g of carbohydrates and 6g of fiber per 41.7g serving. Now of course the odds of you landing that exact portion size out of the hefty wide scoop is unlikely, but you still have a good idea of what you are getting and how much.

Also, at only 2 grams of sugar per serving and only 146 calories, it is very nutrient-dense and feels more like double that amount of calories. It is also very low glycemic and provides a steady release of energy that keeps you satisfied longer than most sugary snacks.

What I find intriguing about the container is the nutrition label on the lid that is widely exposed and consists of simple nutritional data comparisons. The image explains below:


vega 2.jpgI find that I get the most benefit (energy wise) when I have the shake on its own. The low fat content may be responsible for the instant energy access. I find that too much fat at once tends to slow you down and makes you tired. I also like to blend this shake as a smoothie. I will typically add in a banana, frozen berries and some peanut butter, dates and/or coconut oil. This is an example of what I like to do to as a post workout shake to get more sugary carbs and added fats that bump up the calories.

I do not recommend having this shake with something far less healthy. A pizza or club sandwich will just cancel out the beneficial effects that you can really feel when having the shake on its own with water or milk.

Now since the product has only plant based ingredients, using actual cows milk will be like a sin. However, If you drink cows milk, all the power to ya, but I would recommend using almond milk and maybe organic soy. Plain water is good too if you don’t mind it mixed thin.


There is a combination of plant based protein sources that make up the protein content in the shake such as pea protein, savi seed, hemp seed, and brown rice protein. This fine combination of proteins allow for the offering of additional nutrients that are superior of their counterparts to get a vast range on nutrition from the quality protein.

A serving of this shake has 16 grams of protein. About the same as 2.7 eggs or a can of sardines.


The ingredients that make up the antioxidant content are things like grapeseed extract, maqui and goji berry, mangosteen and acai berry powders. The ORAC score is rated at 1000 for a serving and contains as many antioxidants as 2.7 cups of blueberries.


The shake also supplies a generous amount of Omega 3 fatty acids. 1.5 grams of it and just 1 gram of the Omega 6 counterpart. This is great to know since most of us far outdo a healthy balance of these Omega fatty acids when we eat many other foods, especially with refined oils that far exceed a healthy Omega 6 level.

Flaxseed and Chia seeds make up the omega 3 content. One serving provides the same amount as 2.3 servings of wild salmon.


We all know that greens are an important addition to our diet as they provide us with alkalinity and the most bioavailable sources of nutrients. This shake provides some green shake ingredients without the dreadful greens shake taste. Chlorella, alfalfa grass, spinach leaf, broccoli floret, and kale leaf are used to represent the green party.

Overall, you get 3 servings worth of green vegetable sources in one serving!


This is an important area to cover as it supports a healthy gut flora and digestive health. Each scoop contains a probiotic level of 1 billion CFU. For those of you who know what that means, good on ya! In another perspective though, it is the same as a cup of yogurt. Now it does depend what type of yogurt we are talking about here. I would say Greek. Vegan and plant based alternatives are used instead of dairy to keep the vegan theme alive though.


These are some vital components to our nutrition. They are in rather balanced proportion and aim to reach a level that mother nature can’t provide on it’s own with single ingredient foods. All B vitamins as well as others from A to K are present as well as a load of different minerals. Many of which are not present in much of our produce.

Overall you get half of your daily intake of vitamins and minerals from this very nutritious shake!

Now this profile has always been a complicated topic for me and so I am not going to go into great detail on something I don’t know much about. All I know is that it is easier to be assured that you are getting the minerals through a researched product rather than relying on our degraded soil and modern-day agriculture and farming practices.


The simple ingredients (otherwise known as non- medicinal) and that are responsible for the taste and texture are Natural Dutch cocoa powder, stevia leaf extract and xanthan gum which is a natural binder and thickener. Now for other flavours, you would have something other than cocoa powder.

It also contains gelatinized maca root (aka, Peruvian ginseng) and inulin root, which supplies the fiber. And yes, this goes for the other flavours too!


Considering all of the nutrients, it does not taste like a multivitamin, but rather, enjoyable. I would recommend getting a flavoured version as opposed to the unflavoured unless you just plan on mixing it all the time with sugary fruits and other natural sources of sweetness.

I have always liked the bars they have too. They are very delicious and quite dense, unlike some nutritional bars that are gone in 3 bites. The shakes are very similar but a little less sweet without the added natural sugary ingredients. If you are used to milk shakes and other treats from McDonalds or Dairy Queen, you may have a harder time satisfying your taste buds. However, what you normally eat will determine how you taste certain foods or drinks over time. If you eat natural and healthy foods, you will more likely be fond of the taste as opposed to someone used to processed foods and maybe also smokes cigarettes.

This shake is more for the focus of health and vibrancy, not so much the pleasure of a treat, but you just may fall in love with it like I have.


The Vega one shake is generally priced at $69.99 CAD, which may sound expensive, but you also get 21 full servings out of the 876g container, which includes all of the essential vitamins and minerals in one complete meal. Basically that is $3.30 for each serving. That sure beats a typical Subway sandwich.

You get half of your daily suggested intake of vitamins and minerals, which is comforting to know. You are also getting more than a protein shake (less protein though) and it only costs 5 dollars more than the Vega Protein shake.

To compare to your grocery bill each month, it is really a small dent expense wise, but an effective substitute to a meal. You may even save money if you decide to opt for the shake over additional food as well as time to prepare.

For this reason, I believe the Vega One shake is an excellent meal replacement option. It is simple and very traveller-friendly or for those on the go. I use it nearly every day and take it with me to work. It’s an excellent source of filling nutrition and gives me energy without the compromises of caffeine.

I would recommend getting it on sale though like I do. You can find a good deal on the Vega One shake here: http://amzn.to/1iWh7PQ. There are different flavours to choose from and you get free shipping on orders over $35 within the U.S.

Also, I would like to point out that the container is made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic, which makes the product even green on the outside. This is good to know that we are reducing waste! 

So that is it for my review on the Vega One Nutritional Shake. If you are taking any other nutritional shakes of similarity, I would love to hear your feedback on them as well as what you think of the Vega One shake if you have already tried it before.

Thank you for reading!

Brendan Kearney

PS: For more information, visit www.vibranatural.com or find us on twitter at https://www.twitter.com/vibranatural1 and facebook at https://www.facebook.com/vibranaturalfit






Start Your Day with Overnight Oatmeal

So as I have mentioned in the past, I would post some recipes for you to try out. Of course every recipe for a meal that I will post only includes fine natural ingredients that the body can use functionally. Every recipe that I post is what I am working with in the recent and thoroughly know how to make with practice, and of course creativity, haha.

Today, I am going to share with you a healthy and filling oatmeal that provides a variety of ingredients that you will love and if you don’t, you can modify the recipe to remove and add ingredients as you wish.

The recipe I am sharing with you is the most commonly used one for me and I basically made this up out of sheer creativity with various ingredients that I normally use for smoothies and or snacking. Pretty much any ingredient In my kitchen, I have used for many different ideas.

But enough of patting myself on the back, here is what we have for today:


DSC_1331Here are the ingredients and a brief about them:

Raw Scottish Fine Oats

When I originally started making this oatmeal, I was using rolled oats, which are okay, but for the serving size, it does not compare to Scottish oatmeal nutritionally. I use Bob’s Red Mill brand currently and it has 6 grams of protein, 23g of carbs and around 6g of fibre in 1/4 of a cup! It comes in at around 150 calories per serving, so you definitely get a lot of bang for your buck out of a 4 dollar, 1 pound package. And needless to say, no sugar. We will get to the sugar part in a moment though 🙂

Water and/or Almond Milk

I generally use just water as it is used to boil and blend the oats. However, I may also top up the load with almond milk to thicken it a little. It also adds a bit of extra flavour.

Raw Hemp Protein Powder

I use the unflavoured version, but you can buy the chocolate version. Just be sure it is made with real organic cacao and has minimal ingredients. The unflavoured version has only the one ingredient.

Now hemp is a very nutrient-dense plant food with plenty of fibre and protein. A 4 tablespoon serving of this stuff contains 15g of protein, along with healthy omega fats. The brand I use currently is Manitoba Harvest Hemp Pro 70.

Extra Fine Dark Chocolate

Now normally I would use raw cacao powder for an added chocolaty flavour, but I have been using dark chocolate squares that are 90% cacao so there is hardly any sugar. There is a lot of fat and with that, comes with some added calories, so if you are calorie-conscious, you may want to stick to the cacao powder.

It is rather interesting how you can use the chocolate squares in the oatmeal when preparing it. There are 2 different ways you can have it in your oatmeal: Melted and mixed or cold chunks. I will explain more when I get to the recipe.

Pure Maple Syrup

I am currently using freshly tapped, home made maple syrup that my neighbour gave to me as a sampling in a jar. Thank goodness for the wonderful stuff Eddy!

So here is the real sugar. I use one tablespoon of this potent stuff and it really does the trick for a little extra sweetness. For those who can’t have sugar for whatever reason can try stevia.

Ground Cinnamon

Just to add a little spice to the mix. Cinnamon is an excellent addition to oatmeal. I use about one teaspoon in my oatmeal and it brings the bowl to life! I would recommend organic or a pure cinnamon that has nothing else added to it.

Sliced Almonds And Pecans

Just to make it a little nutty, I like to use sliced almonds, which I prefer over whole because it makes for a more cereal-like crunch. I use pecans for the most part in addition to the almonds. I find that they have a maple-like aftertaste to them which suits the maple syrup and the overall blend. They are just plain awesome, but are expensive. You could also use walnuts like I do when I don’t have pecans to spare.


All berries are great to top off the cold oatmeal with, but I find blueberries and raspberries to be the finest. Here, I am using strawberries which are also great but you can mix them up however you want. Berries add an antioxidant boost with vitamin C and extra phytonutrients.

Sea Salt

I put in a few pinches of sea salt just for some added sodium. A great source of sodium to retain water and minerals in the body.


Now for the recipe. This will help you out a lot instead of guessing how to make it. It is called overnight oats for a reason and you will see why in a moment.

  • Bring roughly 2 cups of water to boil in a kettle. If you don’t have a kettle, you can microwave the water and oats before you mix further ingredients.
  • Put in 1/4 to 1/3 cup of oats (depending on how hungry you are) into bowl
  • Add in 2 tablespoons of hemp protein powder, pour the boiled water into the bowl and thoroughly mix until consistency is reached. The longer you mix for, the thicker it gets, so add water as you go if needed be.
  • Add in desired amount of cacao powder and stir. Now this is the same if you were to use dark chocolate pieces like me. You can either put in one or two squares and mix it while it melts from the hot oatmeal. The other way to do this if you want chunks is to just leave out the chocolate until the next morning when you get the cold oatmeal out of your fridge to eat. Simply break the squares into pieces and enjoy the chunkiness!
  • Now while the oatmeal is still warm, we are adding in the cinnamon, sea salt and nuts as we stir.
  • As you stir, it will start to thicken and harden like cement. Add in some more water (cold preferably to get it ready to store in the fridge overnight) and stir to thin it back out. As I mentioned, you can also use almond milk like I do to top it up. I use the original or unsweetened version. You can even get flavoured unsweetened almond milk which is amazing. There is no sugar or carrageenan, which makes it healthier and less calories for those of you watching your waistline.
  • Once your oatmeal has cooled down enough, store it in the fridge and it will be ready for you in the morning…With one exception
  • When you take it out of the fridge in the morning, it is going to be hardened. Take your spoon and stir while adding in more water or milk to thin it back out.
  • So what about the berries? They must be next, and yes they are! Add in your berries to your finely mixed and chilled oatmeal and away you go! Now is the time to add in those dark chocolate chunks if you need to as well!

Overall, this bowl serves up as quite a punch of macronutrients. Generally, you are looking at around 500 calories with 20g of protein, 35g of carbs and 15g of fat. This is if you followed my measurements. It is my personal preference. You can make it to better suit your calorie and nutrient needs. If you just want more protein, add more hemp. If you want more carbs, add more oats. If you want more or less fat, control your nuts and dark chocolate chunks if you are using them.

The beauty of it is that you are using natural single ingredients so you are not cheating yourself healthfully in any way.

Be sure to check back for some more awesome recipes in the future and remember, keep it simple, keep it natural.

Brendan Kearney



