Do You Eat as Healthy as You Think?

It has been said over and over that mother nature provides all of
the nutrition we need to be healthy and fully nourished. Okay maybe not in that exact wording, but that is the idea. If you want to be ultimately healthy, lose weight, have more energy, build more muscle, age more youthfully and live until you are 100, mother nature has you covered.

Now this may be true, or at least that was mother nature’s intention until humans messed it all up. We have done so much damage to this earth to the point where it has an extreme effect on our health. It is my firm belief that food in its original form straight from mother nature is not enough anymore. It’s not enough to just buy fresh produce, free range eggs, or nuts and seeds and the reason is this: Our modern agricultural and farming practices have left our food to be undernourished. The use of pesticides, herbicides etc. to protect the farmer’s produce has degraded our soil, causing it to be minerally deficient.


We need many different kinds of minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, etc. in certain amounts in order for our bodies to perform it’s functions. In total, we need around 70 of these different minerals according to Dr. Peter Greenlaw and many other experts in the field of nutrition. Unfortunately, most of us are not getting the proper nutrition without these minerals, especially if we rely on food alone.

Lite-Trac_Crop_SprayerA great example that is rather scary to think about are the numerous studies been done on the vitamin and mineral content of food such as spinach. Spinach is originally a great source of iron, however, comparing the modern content of that iron in spinach with one bowl of it to one bowl in 1952, they conclude that today, we need 42 bowls of spinach to equal one bowl worth from 1952 to get the same amount of iron from it! Imagine eating 42 bowls of spinach just to meet the iron requirements!

Needless to say, the vitamin content is also lacking. If you think that one big orange will give you the vitamin C your body naturally calls for each day, think again. it would be more like 8 or 9 to get the amount of C that our grandparents got from one orange.


And apparently organic is no better in the sense of nutritional density. Less herbicides and pesticides and no GMO’s which is healthier and less toxic, however, the nutritional density is often times not any better. If that is the case then isn’t it crazy how much more organic food costs compared to conventional?

Over half a century ago, organic was all there was. So there was no surplus in cost because it had no other form of growth in which to compare to. Without a doubt, we are overpaying for organic produce when we shop for it. You certainly have an advantage if you grow your own garden or even buy locally.


Yangzhou_-_industrial_area_west_of_Wenfeng_Temple_-_P1130239The other thing that we have to be aware of is how toxins play as a hazard towards our health. Our modern industrialized world, especially North America and now China, have wreaked havoc on our environment with man made toxins, pollutants and chemicals in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breath. Our bodies do a good job of detoxifying on their own, but not in a world that creates such an excessive amount of toxins and minerally deficient food. It is like a head on collision with illness and disease.


So for these reasons, this is why diets fail. They are simply not enough. The whole idea of reducing calories to lose weight is backfiring for so many people because the nutrition density is what makes calories count, which is what we all should be focusing on. Unfortunately, this is not as easy to do if we can’t just go to the grocery store to get all of our nutrients our bodies need anymore.

So what happens for us people if this is the case? Well, as we have evidently seen over the last few decades, more and more people are sick and the percentage of health risks are up tenfold compared to generations ago. Without getting into statistics, we know that more and more diseases exist amongst the general population that did not even exist half a century ago. And it can all be traced back to one thing: Nutritional deficiencies. Now this is for several reasons and one is of what we are discussing here. The fact that our food is nutritionally deficient creates an abundance of health risks. We know that more and more fast food joints and processed foods make it a problem, but to even those who think they are eating healthy are at risk of suffering from an illness one way or another.

Now all this talk is making me feel like a downer and I’m not here to impose that vibe on you. Those are just the facts as they have been provided with valid evidence over the years. However, there is hope and there are solutions to make up for what we lack in our food.


Supplementation nowadays is necessary. Whether you are an athlete, a fitness buff, a health nut or whatever, food supplementation is the answer. Things like multivitamins, protein powders and herbal supplements are all very beneficial, however, not all are created equal. There are good companies and bad companies.

It is not as simple as going to Walmart or Costco to get low cost vitamins and protein powders. Most multivitamins there will be incomplete or synthetic, meaning they come from an unnatural source. Protein powders are rarely accurate to what the label actually states. Yes, many of the ones on the market do not actually deliver what is on the label. You also need to take into account the source of protein and how it has been processed. It makes a huge difference.

The proper multivitamin will greatly enhance the amount of minerals and vitamin uptake so we can better absorb nutrients in our food as well as having our bodies function more like they were meant to. A non synthetic multivitamin with the right balance of vitamins and minerals will work great.

Another option is a whole food meal replacement shake. These are generally more healthy than a typical protein powder, but again, you need to consider the good from the bad.

An ideal balance of healthy fats, carbs and protein are mixed together to make a complete meal replacement shake. A good balance of vitamins minerals and fiber from healthy carbs and fats also assure you get one nutritionally sound meal replacement. And in many cases they are delicious. I would suggest finding one that has over 200 calories as they are more complete and wont leave you starving an hour later.


Many many people still choose to live with the belief that food straight from nature gives them all the nutrients they need to stay nourished and that there is no need for supplementation. Often times they will think that it is just the supplement industries way of pitching and selling us on an idea and luring them to their products. Now looking at this with an open perspective, it makes sense. However, again with the research that has been done (and not just by supplement companies), there is evidence of what is going on with our food supply.

Now I agree that some companies will take advantage on this and mislead consumers in pursuit of profit. If this is the reality people live in though, it is going to be very difficult for them to be open to a true solution. Many people have built up such think walls that they don’t allow either good or bad in or at least be open to education on the problem and solution.


Young woman silhouette practicing yoga on the sea beach at sunset

Fortunately, I see people will open up and see the world for what it is as time goes on. They will realize truths, accept it and be open to opportunities and solutions. This world is full of good people with good intentions. That means there are also great companies run by loyal, compassionate and trustworthy people with integrity. They are the ones bringing solutions to the marketplace to better humanity.

However, in a world which has been exposed to “harsh truths” and taught to avoid scams lose trust in any and everybody. This along with corporate forces and greed that control the masses make it difficult for people to be open to a better world. However, it is out there and people are stepping up more than ever. I for one am one out of many, and this is just one way I share with people a healthier life they can live.

Brendan K


P.S: Check out these relevant sources: